Jan 13, 2020 - 06:30 AM
Hi! MJ here. I have the advantage of using images of actual gems to guide my color choices. I look at the dominant hues of the gem (i.e., green, blue, pink, etc.) and then break them up into a range of values (i.e., palest, light, medium, medium-dark, dark). As for the type of fabric I use, I've designed my patterns up until now for Paintbrush Studio Fabric's line of solids called Painter's Palette. However, I've also translated the colors of all my patterns into other manufacturers' solids, such as Moda's Bella Solids, Michael Miller's Cotton Couture, KONA solids, Hoffman 1895 Bali Batiks, and Maywood Studio's ShadowPlay (textured solids). You can find this info by going to my website ( and clicking on the Resources tab at the top.
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