what sulky 12 wt color matches the best with the eggplant cork used in the newer kits?
the bright violet is pretty but I'd like to have part of my hand embroidery match the straps from the purchased kit
Question ID: 3696246 Status:
Open Jul 31, 2021 - 11:26 AM
Education & Events > Videocasts > Boho Bonnie Bag Lounge & Learn Event
Aug 02, 2021 - 11:48 AM
Cork dyes differently than fabrics, so there isn't a perfect match or even a close match in the cotton thread line. Even with the 333 solid colors in our rayon line there isn't a really close match. It will look better to use a slightly contrasting thread like the 1813 than a badly matching thread. The 1813 in the flowers blends nicely with that color. I think you'll like it. Everyone who has completed the bag has been very pleased with the look. I've attached a screen shot of the bag from our website.
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