May 23, 2022 - 09:13 AM
Not specifically. MJ does talk about different types that she's used on her quilts in our webinar. You can find it at (this is our educational platform). It may ask you to sign in and choose a password before you go to the Educational Offerings at the top. It's free, and this webcast is also free. Once you select Educational Offerings, scroll down and you'll find this program:
Piecing and Quilting with MJ Kinman.
There are lots of other free events there. You do need to register for each one separately. Once you register for an event, it will appear in your "My Library" (at the top) and remain there forever for you to watch anytime you want.
Piecing and Quilting with MJ Kinman.

There are lots of other free events there. You do need to register for each one separately. Once you register for an event, it will appear in your "My Library" (at the top) and remain there forever for you to watch anytime you want.
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