Jun 10, 2024 - 09:53 AM
Yes, the kit is a separate purchase separate from the course. However, you can take the course, which opens tomorrow 6/11/24 and get the 5 designs included in the price of the course (which makes the cost of the course almost free), without buying the kit. I have gone through the course and it is fabulous. So worth it - but honestly, you will get a lot more value out of the course if you buy the kit and work along with the proper stabilizers and threads included. And all of the products included in the kit will be used on the towels you will keep or gift, and you'll still have lots of threads and some stabilizers left.
The course is not a live event, so you work along at your own pace and it's yours forever to refer back to anytime you want or need.
The course is not a live event, so you work along at your own pace and it's yours forever to refer back to anytime you want or need.
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